New Student Information
Congratulations on your decision to become a Pilot and Welcome to the exciting world of Aviation!
Below is a list of supplies you will need as a student pilot. If you can't get everything at once, start with a logbook and begin looking for a headset.
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The Gleim Logbook is highly recommended.
This can be one of the most important purchases. Depending on you budget and how far you are going in your flying hobby or career makes a big difference in what brand and type of headset you get.
Here are a list of Headsets we recommend:
This is used for in-flight navigation and flight planning. We use an app called Foreflight for a lot of this. It is only available on iOS. Here are ForeFlight's recommendations...
Insurance Required
We require all pilots to have a Renters Insurance Policy that includes a minimum of $40,000 aircraft coverage AND $250,000 liability coverage BEFORE you can fly PIC without an instructor, which would be before you solo.
Ground School
Ground school will teach you the basics of what you need to know to become a pilot. While not necessary to start training it is highly recommended to start ASAP.
We recommend the King Schools Ground School.
Their Number is 1-800-854-1001. Ask for Paul Bell and tell him that I am your instructor, and he will discount your course by $50.00.
VFR Knee-board
The VFR Knee-board is needed to write down important information in flight. You can just use a small regular clipboard at first.
Study and Regulation Materials
This is a list of Books you will need for your studies in becoming a pilot.
- Private Pilot ACS
- Airplane Flying Handbook
- FAR/AIM (Federal Aviation Regulations/Airmen Information Manual
- Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
- Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide
Flight Planning
- Sectional (Atlanta) - A paper map used in planning
- E6B (Manual flight computer) - Required
- E6B Electronic - (Not Required)
- Simple Fixed Plotter
- View Limiting Device (i.e. Foggles)
Buy a Flashlight that shows red.
It is recommended to have two flashlights and extra batteries.
Flight Bag
Now that you have all the supplies, you will need a way to keep it organized.
Just get a simple Flight Bag. If you have a small back pack that will work until you figure out what you want.
Other Notes...
- On our first visit please bring either a passport or your birth certificate with you so I can make a copy of it.
- If you are on Facebook, follow Boldmethod. They have great info that comes out on a regular basis in a nice easy to understand format.
- You will be required to pass a written test before you are allowed to take your practical (flying and oral) test. You are not required to pass the written test before starting flight training. Once you are ready to take the written test and received an instructor’s endorsement, Log onto When you select a location, We suggest
301 S Gallaher View Rd, Knoxville, TN 37919. We have received very positive feedback about this location such as they are a very professional, quiet testing center and it is less expensive than other options.